Financial Aid FAQs
You've Got Financial Aid Questions — We've Got Answers
Whether you're wondering about the nuts and bolts of applying for financial aid, exploring other options for paying tuition or repaying your student loans, we can help.
Click through the categories below to get answers to all of your financial aid questions.
Still have questions? Feel free to contact one of our Financial Aid advisors.
- New York Campus: NYFinAid@ice.edu or (888) 921-CHEF
- Los Angeles Campus: LAFinAid@ice.edu or (888) 826-CHEF
Students wishing to apply for Federal Financial Aid programs need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) by going online to . The ICE Federal School Codes are:
- New York Campus: 041443
- Los Angeles Campus and Online Arts & Food Operations: E40459
Yes, students can sign their FAFSA® electronically with their FSA ID (Federal Student Aid ID). You can create an FSA ID by going to .
You will receive an immediate response once you submit your FAFSA® indicating it has been received. In approximately two to three weeks, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) with information for your ICE Financial Aid advisor.
No, our Office of Student Financial Services will receive an electronic copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR).
Before making corrections to your FAFSA®, please contact your ICE Financial Aid advisor.
If you are a dependent student (under 24 years old), your financial information and your parents’ financial information are used to determine financial aid eligibility. Certain aid is based partly on household income. Independent students (over 24 years old) only need to supply their income information.
Students can check on their Dependency status at the FAFSA® website .
If there are changes to your circumstances which may affect your financial aid eligibility, you may qualify for a special condition review. to learn how to correct or update your FAFSA® form.
ICE is able to offer federal grants, Direct Loans, and Parent Plus loans as well as some State and private loans. Click here for more information.
Certain federal tax benefits may be available to you if you are paying educational costs for yourself or, in many instances, another student who is a member of your immediate family. Students may be able to deduct qualified educational expenses paid during the year for themselves, their spouses or dependents. For more information, click here.
A subsidized loan is a need-based loan. Qualification for need-based loans is determined by the government. There is a six-month grace period to start repayment and the interest is paid by the government until six months after you graduate, withdraw or stop attending. Unsubsidized loans are non-need-based loans. There is also a six-month grace period to start repayment, but the interest is billed once the loan has been disbursed to your account. Any unpaid interest will be accrued and capitalized.
Federal loans do not require a co-signer. However, you may need a credit worthy co-signer to secure a private loan.
Yes, ICE does offer an installment payment plan which can be paid over an average of six months. Payment plans will include a finance charge but do not incur interest.
Yes, federal loans can be consolidated. You cannot consolidate private loans with federal loans.
Federal loans are paid upon completion of your program. Subsidized loans carry a six-month grace period on both principal and interest. Unsubsidized loans carry a six-month grace period on principal only. However, interest accrues from the date of disbursement of your loan.
The federal government offers , Income-Based Repayment (IBR) and .
ICE’s Office of Student Financial Services is happy to assist you with the completion of the FAFSA® and creation of an FSA ID. We encourage you the make an appointment with your Financial Aid Advisor at the appropriate campus:
- New York Campus programs: Email NYFinAid@ice.edu, call (888) 921-CHEF or visit the Student Financial Services office at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY
- Los Angeles Campus programs and online programs: Email LAFinAid@ice.edu, call (888) 826-CHEF or visit the Student Financial Services office at 521 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101
New York Campus programs:
Office of Student Financial Services
Phone: (888) 921-CHEF
Email: NYfinaid@ice.edu
LA Campus programs and Online programs:
Office of Student Financial Services
Phone: (888) 826-CHEF
Email: LAfinaid@ice.edu
Although appointments are encouraged, the office will honor any walk-ins needing Financial Aid or financing assistance.
- New York campus programs: You may visit the Office of Student Financial Services at 225 Liberty Street, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10281 or call (888) 921-CHEF.
- Los Angeles campus programs and online programs: You may visit the Office of Student Financial Services for the 521 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101 or call (888) 826-CHEF.
A Student Financial Services Advisor can consider special or unusual circumstances and can adjust your cost of attendance or some of the information used to calculate your EFC/SAI. The Student Financial Services Advisor can also change your status from dependent to independent but only under specific circumstances the aid administrator will explain.
- Special Circumstances refer to financial situations (loss of a job, etc.) that justify an aid administrator adjusting data elements in the COA or in the EFC/SAI calculation.
- Unusual Circumstances refer to the conditions that justify an aid administrator making an adjustment to a student’s dependency status based on a unique situation (e.g., human trafficking, refugee or asylee status, parental abandonment, incarceration), more commonly referred to as a dependency override.
You'll have to provide documentation to justify any change. The decision to change or not to change your dependency status is based on the aid administrator's judgment, and it's final. It can't be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education.